Ready to explore a world of wonder?

Download "Fairy Tales World" today and start a magical reading adventure that both you and your children will cherish!

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Discover Magic
Embark on an enchanting journey with "Fairy Tales World: Kid Stories" where magic and imagination come to life! This app isn't just about reading - it's an interactive adventure for children aged 0+ and their parents.
Unlock Imagination
In "Fairy Tales World" every story is an opportunity to spark imagination and foster a love for reading. From brave heroes to mystical creatures, our collection is designed to captivate and educate, encouraging independent reading and critical thinking.
Explore Tales
Parents, join your little ones in exploring this beautiful world of folklore and adventure. With interactive elements and shared reading modes, create lasting memories as you guide their journey through enchanting tales.
Keep track reading
Keep track
of your reading progress and easily pick up where you left off on your fairy tale journey
Add to “favorites” tales you like
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stories for offline reading and take your adventures anywhere without internet
Dark & light theme
Dark & light
mode for reading the tales with the lights off

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Download "Fairy Tales World" today and start a magical reading adventure that both you and your children will cherish!